Apr 2, 2011



I have been homeless about  4 months now. It was a rough winter but I made it through   O.K.
Right now I'm so hungry that my butt's eating my underwear.
Anyway , about  3 months ago after scrimping and saving I bought a second hand bicycle for $35 , It needed a tube and a lock. total spent $60. I had it for two weeks. It was locked up in a bike rack in a well lit place. I went to get it and found it vandalized , the wheels were almost folded in half , the frame was bent , it was totaled. I was back to walking miles a day.
Going to the laundry mat is a three hour affair and that costs  $5 . I get to shower  2x a week but that is top secret ingenuity. There are ways to look normal . I;m not smelly and dirty , I shave and brush my teeth everyday. Always have.
I don't get much sleep usually  4 or  5 hours a night. My mind always races at night. thinking what i can do or have to do. I have a part time gig stuffing newspapers  3x a week. 1:00am - 4:00am depending some times I'm done by  3:00am . I get a flat rate of  $20 . no matter how long it takes . I never miss because I can be easily replaced.
So I'm always yawning. I could sleep in but by  9:00am it is stifling hot here in Florida. I have to make it downtown everyday ( 4 miles ). That's where the soup kitchen is and the library so I can check my e-mail and write my blog , do a computer job search and get some relief from the sun and heat.
Oh , one good thing I do is I know an apartment complex where I go swimming on Sundays. So far no one has asked me if I belong        

                                           TILL NEXT TIME.............                                                                                                                 

1 comment:

  1. I say "funny" not meaning your situation; just you have a way with words, that makes me smile.
